National Pastry Day!

assorted pastry and bread

Do you love pastries? Well your day is going to get more delicious!

Today is National Pastry Day. Pastries are a variety of baked goods which are made from ingredients such as flour, sugar, milk, butter, shortening, baking powder and eggs. Pastries can be traced back as far as ancient Mediterranean.

There are many different types of pastry, most of which would fall into one of the following categories:

  • Shortcrust pastry – simplest and most common.
  • Sweetcrust pastry – similar to the shortcrust but sweeter.
  • Flaky pastry – simple pastry that expands when cooked.
  • Puff pastry – has many layers that cause it to puff when baked.
  • Choux pastry – very light pastry that is often filled with cream or other fillings.
  • Phyllo pastry – paper-thin pastry dough that is used in many layers.

You can celebrate this delicious day by stopping into one of the local bakeries close to Kitterman Woods and having an apple turnover or even a cinnamon roll.

PSL Bakery

1780 SE Port St Lucie Blvd
Port Saint Lucie, Florida 34952

Bella Roma Bakery

475 Riomar Dr,

Port St Lucie, FL 34952