Help Make a Difference
We believe at Kitterman Woods; That making a difference is never a wasted act of kindness…
Every fourth Saturday in October is Make a Difference Day!
This day is devoted to helping others by volunteering in your community. There are several different ways you can make a difference. It can be cleaning up your local parks or beaches. Going to a local food kitchen and assist with help preparing or serving a meal. Perhaps visiting a local nursing home and sitting down to play a game of cards with one of residents..
There are several non-profit organizations that are always looking for volunteers. For your convenience we have listed a few local places where you can make a difference.
Habitat for Humanity: (772)249-0792
Treasure Coast Food Bank: (772)489-3034
House of Hope:( 772)286-4673
Treasure Coast Waterway Clean-up:( 772)285-1646
St Lucie Medical Center: (772)335-4000, ext. 3106
You can also google local volunteer opportunities.